JS 311 Week 8

Will McClure
Feb 1, 2021

Can you explain the purpose of each type of HTTP Request when using a RESTful web service?

The GET method requests and only retrieves data. The POST method is used to send a new entry (such as a user) to the specified location. The PUT method replaces all current data of the target resource with the new data being sent. The DELETE method deletes the specified information.

What’s a test pyramid?

This test automation pyramid operates at three levels 1) Unit tests 2) Integration tests 3) End-to-End tests

What’s the difference between “blocking” and ‘non-blocking’ functions?

Non-blocking occurs if an answer can’t be returned quickly, the API returns immediately with an error and does nothing else. Blocking is when you call the API, it stops the thread until it has an answer to return.

