Redux in JS411

Will McClure
1 min readApr 12, 2021

What is Redux Thunk used for?

It is a middleware that action creators to be created that return a function instead of an action which makes it easier to work with, especially in a function-based programming codebase.

What is the difference between React Native and React?

React is based around Javascript and is for primarily browser-based web development. React Native is an entire system that allows for the creation of cross-platform mobile apps.

Are you familiar with AMD/require.js or commonjs? What can they do for you?

They can help you structure your Javascript code. A few features include assembling different Javascript files from different modules and handling the dependencies included within. It helps create a standard process for modules to be reused.

Explain your personal troubleshooting techniques. Include devtools and environments.

I usually start with console logging the most recent function that I don’t fully understand as well as using opening the console in Chrome if the app is further along in development.

